Active Discovery Australia and IKC start new collaboration
IKC is always looking to expand and grow, by creating partnerships with specialists worldwide. Our new collaboration with Active Discovery allows IKC to transform more businesses in Australia into child-friendly environments.
According to Active Discovery:
The indoor play market is niche and growing sector in Australia. Partnering with IKC <…>, allows us to feel confident that we can offer innovative and inspiring play opportunities for indoor environments.
Just like IKC, Active Discovery is always looking for opportunities to diversify their business offering and services. Active Discovery is passionate about designing and creating play areas and leisure environments that provide outstanding opportunities for active play. Together with IKC, they can now offer high quality indoor play areas in addition to their outdoor play area assortment.
In collaboration with IKC, we strive to be the number one choice in Australia for architects and developers to engage with when working to create inspirational, innovative, and exciting indoor play spaces across all sectors.
We look forward to a successful partnership.